Friday, December 19, 2014

Merry Christmas

Dear Parents and Students, 

I wanted to email you at school today before I left the building, but it wasn't added to the "To Do's" and therefore....I forgot! This has been a tough year for the Harris family with my husband and myself both losing our fathers in a short time period. The one thing that has been a positive and stable is my classroom and the kiddos. I feel truly blessed to have a caring class and I know have been there for me. 

This week was filled with a lot of chaotic moments and truly a whirlwind for me. I am so glad that I had Wednesday to share breakfast, presents, and some laughter. I am so thankful for the showering of gifts from you and the students. And I sure hope they enjoyed theirs. 

As we move into the New Year, we will have a new student and a student teacher. I know the class will be welcoming and show our newbies the way and high expectations we have in the class. 

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a festive New Year. If you are traveling, please have safe travels and enjoy your time with your family!!

Thanks so much, 
Tracy Harris

January Lunch Menu

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It's a Gingerbread House "Throw Down!"

Oh, how the holiday season flies.  This year, as part of our Christmas Celebration, I would like to do something that is both fun and challenging for my students that teaches them more about cooperation.  I would like to do a “Gingerbread House Throw-Down”. 

Click on the Sign-Up Genius link below to sign-up for donations to the day! 

Tracy Harris