Friday, November 14, 2014

New Tools Being Utilized in the Classroom

This week, we have started using two new web tools for learning in the classroom....Google Classroom and Get Waggle.

Google Classroom:
This is a fairly new extension of Google. It gives me the ability to invite the students to join a particular class. We are utilizing Google Classroom for our "Tales of Learning" unit in Reading. I post our daily lesson as well as any resources that would be needed for the class that day. The students can use their Google Docs to complete the assignment and post it to the day's lesson. It is a great way to streamline papers and create a paperless classroom! We will utilize it more throughout the year in the other classes as well. 

Get Waggle:
Get Waggle is a new site through Triumph Learning...the same company that our Performance Coach math workbooks are from. Get Waggle provides our students additional support in Math and Reading. Students can choose a particular skill lesson and experience different types and levels of questions. This resource works with your children's skills and knowledge base to provide the right amount of rigor in the questions. It really is a great new tool to enhance learning in the classroom!

How Do I Get Assignments When My Child is Ill?

As we move into the cold and flu season, how can you find out what we did that day in class? It's easy....have your child check the Google folder I have shared! Each day, I add an assignment sheet to the "Absent Work" folder in our shared Google Drive folder for the class. This way your child and you can see what we have done for the day and know what to ask for when your child returns. Want access? Just click the link below and see what we have done.

Harris Class Assignment Folders